Value… What if you were 10 times more valuable than what you currently believe?

business life Feb 03, 2021

Value… What if you were 10 times more valuable than what you currently believe? 

What would you do differently? What different experience of life could you have? 

For many people one of the hardest things to see and the hardest things to put a price on, is our own value

However, when we understand the ecosystem that we live in and the role our unique gifts play, then we open ourselves up to a world of amazing opportunities.

When you value yourself, when you OWN yourself, when you see yourself as others see you, you can start to live from a place of contribution and live a full spectrum life.

However… why is it hard? Maybe we are conditioned from school, work or relationships? 

Maybe other people have an interest in us NOT knowing our full value? Maybe?

Would a boss need to pay more? Is a friend or relationship partner actually scared of you leaving because they have their own self worth, self value issues? 

No judgement, but maybe just a little check in with our close environment... 

I have had my current business since October 1998 and I have helped hundreds of other businesses in this time too. 

One thing that is the most important thing to understand especially if we are selling services or knowledge is: 

The value is in the eye of the receiver… The value is determined by the person receiving the value…

It is not a one way street… It is an exchange…

AND the real magic happens when the giver and the receiver are a perfect match for each other

Therefore... the same knowledge spoken by 2 different people can have 2 different values... For example someone may value a mother saying something she believes about life after kids more than a person just out of university...

And also... the same knowledge about health to an audience of super healthy people, verses new to health people, will have 2 different values! 

This is where embracing YOU lies... Your value, you as the deliverer of the knowledge to the audience who needs it the most...

HUGE value is then exchanged and it is not a zero sum game…

Both lives are enriched! 

Therefore… we need to see our value through the eyes of the receiver… then this can be established as our new value…

It is like other people, specifically other ideal people where your unique value matches their big need, become our mirror

AND the part I love the most…

Value exchanged is the foundation of life as a human

How are you contributing in your family, friendships, job, community, team and nature?

How, by being your best self, are you attracting other people to be better humans?

How are peoples lives better after interacting with you? 

Is it a smile?

Is it inspiration?

Is it a new view of a topic?

Is it a problem solved or evaporated?

But guess what? 

There are 2 compounding problems… 

Our greatest values are sometimes the hardest for us to see…

Then even once we see them, they are the hardest for us to put a value on

In both situations it is because our unique amazingness comes so naturally to us…

However… this is where the challenge starts…

What comes naturally for you is not necessarily easy to other people…

Some examples…

To some people waking up early might be the hardest thing in the world, however for you it may be completely normal, easy and the best part of the day. Without knowing it you have certain things that you do that makes this true. It may be when you eat, exercise, turn off screens, stop work etc…

Another example might be creating meals for the family… For you it might be very simple to create super healthy and tasty foods although you are busy with work and kids… For others it might be mission impossible every day!

Some people may stay stuck in work or relationships that drag them down because they do not know how to have difficult conversations with an open heart… However for you it may be very simple when approached a certain way…

Maybe it is how you see the world with so much energy, or how you get through the tough times… These may inspire others and you share this knowledge and how you do it…

I could give you literally hundreds of examples of conversations I have had with friends, family, colleagues and my students where so much of the time I am simply showing them HOW AMAZING THEY ARE!!!

When people see this, they step into a power and ownership of themselves which is like nothing before…

The amazing part about seeing and understanding this, is that you realise you are a part of an ecosystem

You give and receive value from other people…

Your knowledge or your unique way of sharing the same knowledge, while it comes so easy to you, could be worth 10 times more to other people…

This is where the fun begins… 

Let’s play with the scenario of waking up early and let’s pretend this is a skill you have and could share with others… 

At first we might say, yea but why would anyone think waking up early is valuable?

Well, it is not ‘waking up early’, just by itself that is valuable… It is what ‘waking up early’ could mean to that person!

In the hours before the world or household wakes up, what would that person get to do?

Would they get to write a book? learn a skill? Listen to their mind? Have a coffee under a tree and listen to nature? Meditate or communicate with friends or customers in another time zone?

Then, how would this help this person show up in their day? 

Would they be a better parent, friend, workmate? 

Could they work on a passion and fulfil a dream?

Would they get perspective of their life and maybe consider making changed they have been hiding from?

So… we can see that by positioning something so simple in the context of the ecosystem of others the value is created!

Now, if we focus people attention to the potentially better world that could exist they can now see they have a choice… They can see this as something they don’t want or something they do want…

But at least now they see it’s a choice.

If they want a different future, they now have a problem… 

The ‘how’…

This is where your ‘value’ is able to be really created in a way that you can help the ecosystem of people grow…

This is amazing value… 

Your gift, communicated in a way that other people can also have your gift in their life and make it their own…

After all, isn’t this what life is all about? 

Humans all growing up… So… Why not do it together and why not make it fun! 

I am so fortunate to help so many people every day turn their amazing unique gifts into something that others, who they may never meet, can learn from… 

So fun…

So look around and observe your day today or this week…

What value do you bring to the ecosystem? Why is the ecosystem better because you are a part of it? 

Where do you add value to peoples lives naturally? 

What do people ask you? What do people talk to you about? When the phone calls to the messages arrive what are they doing? 

Also observe your energy change, does it rise or fall? 

Are you energised at the end of the interaction or are you drained?

What do you find yourself defaulting to in conversations? What conversations do you want to keep chatting about and which ones are you trying to wrap up?

AND... If you are a business owner or sell your knowledge or services, where can you articulate your value to the potential receiver OR how to you adjust to present your same value to a group of people who value it more? 

Getting to know yourself and your uniquely natural gifts is an always evolving and continually valuable growth skill…

So, think about this in your personal life and in your business... Where can you enhance YOUR OFFER to show the value you will bring to the situation... 

Stand in your true self, see your amazingness and give yourself ten times more value! 

If you know someone who may also need to hear this, feel free to pass this on...

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Talk soon! 
