Trust your gut...
Jun 26, 2024“I Had A Download” Used As A Reason
Yep, with everything there is good and bad…
Usually desperate people come in and spoil the good stuff with their fake cool interpretations…
Shallow, naive and most times dangerous…
Honestly I think most of our advanced achievements are from people receiving knowledge connected to a source of intelligence…
In fact I believe we all are if we remove the layers of distraction on top of our true selves…
Anyway, like many things…
People can use it as an excuse…
Like a joker card…
Oh I had a download to xyz…
Now don’t get me wrong…
1000% believe in downloads and guides…
In fact I have had high profile intuitives seek me out and meet with me to speak with my guides…
People who know and work closely with me have seen first hand many times things that cannot be explained any other way…
I am told knowledge… always have…
I am not claiming to have knowledge like I am smart… I just pass it through…
Things you read here are typed at the moment… not scripted… usually with typos…
However… this is not about me…
Then the others come along…
Recently I saw this unfold online…
At an in person conference someone ‘had a download’ to act a certain way on stage…
Whatever right or wrong… disrespectful to the culture or not… whatever…
So my advice… don’t take someone’s use of ‘a download’ as always good…
But don’t let people blame their behavior on a ‘download’ as if it makes all the behaviors all ok…
Their actions are their decision…
Their sources of download could be non-pure, they could be ego, they could be hubris…
People can ‘download’ from many sources…
The ones they listen to are their choice and you are free to agree with their source or not…
So be careful what you accept from what people put into a light or on a stage…
Use discernment and look out for fake light… fake leaders…
Again… trust your gut… if it smells off, it likely is…