Jul 16, 2022I love old things with a story…
In this case I inherited this from my grandparents…
My grandfather was a tennis coach and
for many years (probably 9-12 years old) I would stay at their place most Friday nights and do 4-5 hours of tennis lessons on their tennis court Saturday morning…
Every level of class I would join in… and one day want to he the beat player in the best class…
Friday nights were for games around their dinner table…
Ginrummy or Trouble…
So this game, the original release of Trouble from 1965 is something i think is pretty awesome to continue to enjoy…
People I learnt so much from, who no longer walk this earth, actually touched and played this game board...
The fun, the competition, the memories…
Something always special about REAL physical things from the past…
oh and the winner gets an M&M