Success and communication…
Apr 14, 2022Today's ponderings…
How closely is success and communication skills linked?
Success and communication…
First up… communication is a TWO way street… many people confuse communication as ‘saying’ something…
If the message is not received then communication either has not happened… ORRRR… is almost useless…
Then ambiguity kicks in… Even if something is heard, what if the said or written word can be interpreted in multiple ways…
This leads to confusion…
And unfortunately… confused minds stop…
There is a literal pain when something gets too hard to understand… and people usually turn off OR default to interpreting it in a way that already matches patterns in their existing world…
What is super interesting is that success in SO MANY aspects of life come down to good full definition communication…
Relationships, teaching, learning, friendships, skill development…
Yes we always see things through an existing lens, but there is a skill in helping people see the world from a different angle which, once they see, they cannot unsee…
This is one of the things I LOVE about presenting OFFERS… It is a skill of communication and depending on the medium through which you are delivering the offer, it is a spoken or written skill…
One of my favourite things to do, when someone has an irresistible offer, is to then present that offer in the written form which takes the reader on a journey…
Story like almost… when there is little ambiguity, there is communication and inspiration in a way unique to YOU, THEM and your OFFER…
Communication… the magic potion of success…