Knowledge And Your Decision

Feb 16, 2023
Knowledge and Decision Ownership…
You can get all the knowledge in the world, from expert after expert but one thing you MUST do yourself…
Many  peoplw think they need to know more, but in actual fact they are trying to OUTSOURCE THE DECISION…
Now, do t worry… I am pointing the finger at myself too here…
But now I can see it when it shows up…
Am I looking for knowledge, or am I really just trying to get someone else to decide for me…
Little devil sitting on my shoulder, in my ear, confusing the situation…
Stay safe, play safe, do what everyone else is doing, or don’t do anything…
So people look for answers…
Asking for advice, but really asking for someone to decide for them…
Here, I’ll take away the pain of decision making… do this, like this…
Which… usually doesn’t feel like the right answer inside you and so the search continues and never ending loop goes around again…
So, how do we get out of this…
First of all is to see it…
Second, realise we need to take full responsibility of the decision… and spoiler alert, not deciding is a decision to stay stuck…
Third, be open to advice from other people, coaches, peers etc and consider all of them equally a potential option…
Fourth, thank the advice as inputs and consider that any of these are a potential answer or a combination of them… Release any energetic connection to the person who gave the advice…
A good coach will help you see blind spots or opportunities that you could not otherwise see…
Now, does one of the options stand out as a winner?
If not go to number 5 🙂
Fifth, ask yourself… if the options were going to be equally as successful as each other, which one would you love to do?
If there is not a winner then…
Sixth, flip tournament to decide… grab a coin… select any two options… decide if heads wins or loses so you can start to eliminate options… if at any time you are ‘wishing’ for a heads or tails… then don’t flip it, that one wins that flip… continue until you have a winner…
If you wish one option won, then you have your answer too…
It’s a process to get there…
You can get knowledge and advice from a lot of places but deciding must be AUTHENTIC and ALIGNED to you and your HEART…
Because… you will then do it from the right place… with limitless energy and passion… your vibration will be attraction mode… life gets fun 🙂
Decision fatigue is real, and long term sitting in indecision is worse than any of the decisions… one is a guaranteed slow death 🙂
It’s also a muscle… it will get stronger and faster over time 🙂
(This photo was a quick lunchtime decision a few weeks back… it certainly brought some good energy)