Dreams coming to life!
Jul 15, 2017Reflection time: Last Thursday and Friday were a tonne of mastermind fun at the amazing Noosa!
The whole 2 days was a juggling act. An energetic puzzle with a storyline across the 2 days.
I started with a structure and honestly within 90 minutes I was 45 mins behind schedule 🙂
A previous version of myself would have felt stressed trying to hit a preplanned schedule.
One of my biggest realisations over the years is to plan but allow magic to appear in the moment.
Freedom within structure. Being present to the experience and myself having one eye around the corner and adjusting course.
The end result was amazing presentation from some of the best around in so many areas. Hot seats were burning hot and many big personal and business breakthroughs 🙂
I am humbled and super proud of everyone's dreams coming to life!