Where does the supply chain of oil end?
May 09, 2020Where does the supply chain of oil end?
So, at the moment there is an oversupply of oil. Companies are paying oil tankers just to store the unwanted oil offshore.
But really, these hundreds of millions of barrels of oil would usually be consumed by the supply chain...
A big percentage of the consumption goes into our vehicles... however, after you drive them around for a few hundred kilometres (or miles) the tank is empty...
Hmm... if we think we are the end consumer of this supply chain we need to think a little deeper...
Most of us own our very own combustion factories... we fill them up with petrol and in exchange it give us energy and emissions into the air...
So, nature, the air is the end of the supply chain...
Therefore, all of these ships are just waiting for us to help us get their product into the air... in exchange for a bit of propulsion...
The hundreds of millions of barrels currently in oversupply would have ended up in our air...
Weird when you start to connect the dots...
We extract from the earth and put it into the air... we are a weird bunch...
It a nice time to understand how our world hangs together and the interrelations between all things 🙂
Reflect and re decide 🙂
Ps photo of today’s sunset 🙂