Think about what feels right for YOU...

life Mar 29, 2021
Just a thought...
The power of social acceptance is a powerful thing. Many people know this. And many more people don’t know when it is at play upon them.
Marketers are using it, celebrities are using it, influencers are using it, brands are using it, team are using it and so much more!
Division is beneath this. People separate from people and form social groups. It happens everywhere and has been happening since you were in primary school...
Remember all the bullshit? Maybe you are re remembering it now if you have kids at school too..
The kids will change who they are to ‘fit in’ with a group and be socially accepted...
Now, the power of social acceptance is also the root of division... because acceptance has an opposite...
Fear of rejection...
This is a deep subconscious state... because in times gone by rejection lead to death...
If you were rejected from the tribe you may not be fed, you may not have shelter, you may not have protection from wild animals, you may not have access to knowledge...
So fear of rejection, social acceptance and changing your behaviour or beliefs to fit in...
Division and fear...
It is great to be know about it, be aware of it... open your eyes to of it is happening to you or people around you and... Yes, CHECK IN WITH YOURSELF that you are not, as an ADULT, just trying to FIT IN...
Think about what feels right for YOU...
Because social acceptance is very much at play for the last 12 months or more...