Listen to your heart and mind...
Sep 25, 2021About 10 years I came across a way of thinking.
How I remember it is...
Everybody is always doing the best with what they currently have or know to be true. My understanding was, it extended to so many things in life. Even the person stealing things from your backyard.
Imagine for a moment that they in fact are doing the best with what they currently have or know to be true. It’s an amazing moment to suspend your world and again enter someone else’s world and wonder what might be true for them to think this is the best thing to do, action to take, thought to have etc...
It is amazing! It is a gift to acknowledge this and we actually have individual lives and worlds all operating in the same space and time. Where I then go to is that in fact there is no right or wrong. Everyone is just doing the best they can and in fact a layer deeper.
We are all just here to help each other. Reminds me of another quote...
We are all just leading each other home... Home to our self, home to discover who we are as souls... Maybe home to our heart... To operate in a frequency of love... from a frequency of love...
If you ever wonder what to think or feel, I like to anchor myself with the question: “What would love do in this situation?”
Note about the photo:
The other day down the beach after some deep contemplation, I heard a bird squark behind me. A squark I have not heard before. Sitting on this post was a beautiful powerful bird. A local Brahminy Kite call. I have seen them and this one for years, but have never heard it call.
I was alone sitting in the dune grass watching the ocean for about 20 minutes. It stayed with me for another 5 minutes then moved on... Maybe it was taking to me for the 20 minutes before and the thoughts were not mine... maybe the call was saying, thank you for hearing me...
Maybe list of answers are all around us if we take the time to be quiet, distraction free and just listen to our hearts. I believe our head is never wrong, it might just take our mind a little while to work out why.
Have a beautiful weekend!