Just wondering...
Apr 02, 2021So Oz, is this data or science or politics or business or ego?
Germany Indefinitely Suspends AstraZeneca...
Just wondering why here in Australia it is all good... and nurses are losing their jobs because they are worried about the experimental vaccine...
Insurance companies are pulling out of insuring people because you are choosing the experimental vaccine...
And yes... you are consenting...
You have the choice... when push comes to shove they will say you had the choice and you're not be paid out for any health implication caused... and what if your family member becomes injured... parent or other... and they have no insurance?
I am sure you there are going to be a lot of people's bank accounts bleeding dry because of the medical bills for the remainder of their life on an injury linked to a decision made...
There is a potential big mess ahead people...
In oz we rely heavily on our public and private health system... I remember hearing that most people who live in the USA are just one sickness away from being bankrupt...
Today you may be financially stable and healthy... sometime you or a loved one may be sick and need to all the financial means available...
Remember the government is not liable the drug companies are not liable... You know that... they keep saying that...
That is common knowledge now... Just add that into the mix of information out there in this super confusing time and do whatever is right for your situation...
Think then decide... the other way around doesn’t work in this case...
The picture is getting clearer and I really hope honesty and transparency becomes the way to earn everyone’s trust to navigate out of / through this...